Puppet Place is the home for puppetry in the South West. Based in Bristol’s historic Harbourside, our building at Unit 18 is packed with creative businesses and artists. Established as a charity over 40 years ago to support puppetry practitioners in the region, we are now a thriving community network.
Together, we seek to innovate, research, and develop – to nurture new ideas and emerging talent – to further develop the artform of puppetry – and to engage with the public through our work.
Puppetry is any creative practice that brings the inanimate to life. As such, Puppet Place embraces many forms of puppetry and related fields, such as animation, film, theatre, visual and interactive arts, creative technologies and robotics. From design and fabrication, to devising and manipulation, it takes skill, passion, and imagination to breathe life into a puppet.
Puppet Place is the one-stop shop for all things animated. Visit Resident Artists and Associate Artists to find out about our creative community.
Did you know that we also provide discounted access to our Rehearsal Studio & Fabrication Bay via our Annual Associate Artists Membership Subscription Scheme, as well as to commercial clients?
If you have any questions or need further information please email info@puppetplace.org.
Oh and the best way to keep up-to-date with what’s going on at Puppet Place is to follow us on our social media channels, which are currently: Instagram & Facebook.
Please Note: We no longer produce an e-Newsletter as we don’t have the capacity to produce one on a regular basis or to manage a mailing list.

Photo Credit: Chris Vaughan Photography
BBC West recently visited Puppet Place to speak with one of our residents, Cat Rock, and you can see the results here on BBC West’s Instagram feed.
You can read editorial coverage about Puppet Place and our Resident Artists in the Bristol Magazine and in Bristol 24/7. Plus have a listen to this Audio piece produced by Dan Edge and Jess Hughes – where they interview some of our amazing Resident Artists.
You can also find out more about our vision and ambitions for Puppet Place via our Business Plan: Animating the Future 2024-27 and via the short film below:
Support Puppet Place with a one-off or regular donation today. Your support can help us maintain our unique fabrication space, rehearsal studio and meeting room and support the development of independent makers, puppeteers and puppetry companies.

Puppet Place is dedicated to supporting artists and professionals wishing to include puppetry and animation as part of their work. This support is both practical and developmental.

Puppet Place would not exist without the goodwill of our volunteers. Our volunteers are an important part of our community, helping us to develop the organisation and bringing valuable skills and knowledge. Find out more about volunteering here.